Monday, July 22, 2013

Literary Fashion

I decided to try a new kind of paper bead, using paper from a book. I wanted to make something for my cousin, so I chose the book Sense & Sensibility (which I had several copies of) and went to it! The beads turned out nicer than I was expecting, to be honest!

I had bought some chain that I thought would be good to use to make the bracelet with, so using that with some head pins, I attached the beads vertically to the chain links. The end result looks like this:

Unfortunately, I'm not totally content with the chain I tends to kink too easily. So I think I will be changing that, and by doing so, putting the beads a bit closer together as well. But at least this gives the basic idea of what I'm aiming for! Hopefully I'll get it perfected soon! Keep your eye out for more "Literary Fashion" jewelry in the future! 

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